Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sask Party Supporter Publishes Illegal Ads

Links to these ads first appearing on Twitter on June 7, 2011. These moc ads, were defended by the twitter user @ndptroll through the statement "(user) doesn't understand how the intertubes works". This Sask Party Supporter's poorly disguised attempt at humor uses his/her anonymity to create and post ads suggesting the NDP party "steal bottles from babies" and "Creep on girls half their age". These ads are also clearly a violation of copyright laws in duplicating NDP publications. Unless they have been removed, both ads can be seen at the links:  To view more Sask Party Supporter tactics, visit NDPTroll's twitter page
Creeping ad - http://ow.ly/i/cAhj  Baby Bottle Ad - http://ow.ly/i/cAgR

Ad 1 - Creeping on Girls (click to enlarge)

Ad 2 - Stealing Baby Bottles (click to enlarge)