Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sask Party Supporters top twitter gossip spreaders and fear mongers

@dwaynehnatiw  Just drove by a school several cars there. One brand-new high end Lexus. Must be the union... Uh I mean federation rep visiting.

: are telling grade sixers they're gonna have to repeat grade six

: @ ecole massey in regina making 11 yr olds write letters to nice

@ ndptroll The Alberta Experience: negative impact of latest teachers contract TAKE THAT STF!!!

: Just ran into a teacher at the checkout at Safeway. She is sick of the strike and told me 12 % is an unreasonable num.

@JaiminSacchetti Loves when an #ndp -er is eager 2 mention Wall and Devine.. Then when you say, Lingenfelter:Spudco & Channel Lake, they quiet down #skpoli

 And as teachers they should be more aware of the higher importance regarding an election than their salary for nxt 3 yrs

@ John Himpe